It’s Time
to Talk 

Elliana Martin

The United States is experiencing a silent epidemic of childhood sexual abuse. In 2022, the Centers for Disease Control confirmed 60,000 reports of sexual abuse against children, and this number is largely considered to be underreported.(1)(2) It isn’t enough to focus on the prosecution of these crimes after the fact – primary prevention is critical to reducing this number. Though preemptive conversations about preventing childhood sexual abuse can be awkward and uncomfortable, adults being able to face and overcome this discomfort is crucial to the safety and protection of children. A community cannot prevent a threat they cannot openly discuss, and it is this hurdle being addressed in It’s Time to Talk

It’s Time to Talk does not present a one-size-fits-all solution to a very complicated and layered national issue, but rather seeks to educate community members and empower them to identify and fight back against abuse within their communities.

Using contemporary confessional installations as inspiration, this project builds an environment that confronts the audience with the reality of childhood sexual abuse. Classic warning signs that a child is being abused, including drawings, mangled dolls, bed-wetting, and more, are presented to the audience members who have taken the first step to learning by crossing the exhibition threshold. Posters and pamphlets in the built environment provide relevant and applicable education for abuse identification and intervention. 

Childhood sexual abuse is a chronically under-discussed public health issue in the United States, due in large part to barriers of social taboo and education. Being able to name and identify the problem directly is vital to developing stronger safeguards for children in our communities. While discomfort is natural, we can no longer allow it to prevent action, and we owe it to our children to face these difficult topics in their defense.  

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Instagram: @ellianamartindesign