Parker Wiese
The Blue Side
The blue side of the application is geared towards mental health. Diabetes is a full time job and also creates a lot of chemical imbalances in the body. Over time this disease can diminish the patients mental health and overall wellbeing. This part of the application gives the user access to self-help options through prerecorded audio files covering a variety of topics. They have options to be connected to verified doctors if they want a more intimate experience. There is also the option to connect to other diabetics around you that can give comfort and reassurance while going through this experience. This side of the application also provides a daily check in that tracks the relationship of the patients bloodsugars to how it affects their emotional state of mind and provides incite into what is happening in the body that causes these positive or negative states of mind.
The Red Side
The red side of the application focuses on creating a social environment for type one diabetics. With everything they deal with on a daily basis creating relationships with people who share the same experiences as them can help break the isolation they live in. Creating this type of community is an important part of improving the mental health of the patient. They can help solve problems, share memes, offer support, or just make new friends. They are able to filter through people based on location, interest groups, or random exploration.
The brandmark was created based on the idea of convergence; two parts coming together to make something new. On the top and bottom are broken triangles meant to represent the two sides of the application coming together to create something new and improved in the form of the diamond in the center. The colors where chosen based on the desired emotional response intended for the user depending on which part of the application they are using. The blue was chosen for mental health side of the application because of its calming attributes. The red was chosen for the social side because it creates a more intense response which we want our users to feel as a hope to push them to increase interaction with others. The yellow is the link between the two sides. Yellow expresses strength and stability which is used to create a confident emotional response from our users.
How can the education for Type 1 Diabetes be improved to bring a larger focus to the social and mental traumas that arise from the disease? Diabetes is an autoimmune disease that inhibits the body’s ability to properly break down carbohydrates and manage the sugar in the bloodstream. Outside of management of blood sugar, there are social and mental traumas that do not receive enough focus from the prominent diabetes organizations. These complications caused by this chronic illness tend to be neglected by Diabetes organizations, such as JDRF and the American Diabetes Association, which focus their efforts on curing and managing the disease. Though this is important, it should not be the only objective. The lack of access to mental and social health resources leaves depressive tendencies and social separation untreated, which reduces overall wellbeing.[1] The problem is the lack of educational systems and social resources for those diagnosed to properly deal with these complications. A new focus of education is required for the patients and the world around them to create a sense of normalcy for the millions of Americans who suffer every year. These issues can be corrected with a central hub that educates, destigmatizes, and provides a structure for the affected patient.
The Type 1 Tribe mobile application aims to uplift diabetics that struggle with these issues by providing a mobile platform that connects its users to the diabetic community around the United States. The platform focus is on providing tangible processes that reduce anxiety and depression caused by diabetes, while curating an online and potentially in-person community specifically for Type 1 Diabetics. The use of mobile applications in the medical field has been expanding over the last decade and has shown its ability to improve access to information and increase the patient’s involvement in managing their illness.[2] The Type 1 Tribe mobile application is a pocket-sized solution to their life-sized problem.
[1] Holmes-Truscott, E., Browne, J.L., Pouwer, F. et al. Subjective Wellbeing Among Adults with Diabetes: Results from Diabetes MILES—Australia. J Happiness Stud 17, 1205–1217 (2016).
[2] Daifi, Chantale, Sumaya Bahrami, Rola Kaakeh, and Yaman Kaakeh. “Evolving Frontier: ” Journal of Pharmacy Technology 32, no. 3 (2016): 91–97.