Liz Dunlap
Dismembered is a grotesque self-portrait that represents what it feels like for me to live as a woman in a male dominated society. People who have occupied different roles in my life have perpetuated this harmful social construct, regardless of their relationship or care for me. Their roles range from family member, to health care professional, to stranger. I internalized this misogyny from a young age and suffered in an attempt to conform to the standards expected of me. A series of sculptural objects conveys my struggle with being a woman through portrayal of a grotesque, dismembered body. A bag spilling out its contents like an upset stomach, a laptop created into the mouth of a monster, a female reproductive system made of scraps, and the aftermath of ripping off one’s skin in an attempt to escape. I have come to terms with my identity as a woman and am using my pain and anger as a way to confront the people who have harmed me and continue to harm others. Having my flesh on display commands my presence and causes as much discomfort as I have felt by being complacent to those who have harmed me.