Gustavo Perea
Some people aren’t so quick to settle into e-commerce and the ever-growing virtual world (the world that—at this point, knocking on the front door). In fact, plenty of shoppers and vendors grumble about the idea of going out to put up with the draining experience of shopping malls and marketplaces. Now as a shopper: think about trying to find anything unique. As a vendor: think about making a profit with an inventory of imaginative products. If the thought of any of this makes you want to hide away into your latest RPG obsession, channel your video game obsession here, with Digimart. On display is the specimen video for the mobile application: Digimart. The Digimart app has a virtual shopping town dedicated to the user's well-being. It’s a home for shoppers and merchants whose customized characters wake up in their customized apartments and go into town where the merchants have built their own customized shops. The virtual shops are filled with real products that can be purchased by shoppers. The products can be digital (downloads sent to shoppers) or tangible (shipped to shoppers), just like buying from more familiar e-commerce services. In-game fun is embedded with a sense of community: if users have done enough exploring, there’s a landmark arcade at the center of the map. When all the games have been played, shoppers’ carts are empty or daily profits are made, the train takes users back to their apartments and they can come back any time!
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(720) 672-8613
IG: Gustavo_SCAS